
Daily Quotes & Deep Meditation

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Receive quotes word daily through beautiful Daily Quotes & Deep Meditation stories, quotes and music. Receive personal, relevant quotes for inspiration and sharing with loved ones.

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if you would be delighted to support our mission of delivering thousands of moments of grace, love, and wisdom each day.

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Daily Quotes by Topic

All Daily Quotes are learned according to topic. You can learn relevant quotes according to your own preferences.

Exquisite background music

The music that plays when you read the verses, the scrolling like flipping a page, and everything about it just makes my time with God feel very intimate when I am reading Daily Quotes.

Daily Quotes App for iOS features also work offline, including select Daily Quotes that are available for download and Android version coming soon.
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Daily Quotes App for Better Life.

Nick Williams

I honestly didn't think I would love this app as much as I do. I'm always taking screenshots of motivational quotes and saving them in my photos. I'm talking about hundreds!!! (most of which are on this app). With this app I can actually save my favorites right on the app so I've been able to delete tons of things from my photo albums on my phone which is saving me so much space. I also love that you can select different themes,styles, even genders of motivation that you'd like to see. You can set how many times a day you want to see them and background theme. On some days it seems to send the exact thing that I needed to read at that time. I often share them with my family and friends. Especially my teen children and their friends!

Lili Bocouse

I love it, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I hated myself, I hated my life, until I found the quotes in this life changing app! If it wasn't for me to find it, then it wasn't for me to live! Totally recommend downloading it if your going through hard times, and even if you're not then u should still download it, it will help u a lot! People can be mind filled with these amazing, inspiring poems, and it's amazing thing that they share them! Live to love, love to live! Life is harder without Encouragement, and so that's why we have each other :)! The app is incredible, I came across apoem and it made me realize what I was doing to myself, and now I won't do it again!!! "Ships don't sink because of the water around them, they sink from the water inside them, so don't let anything get into i and weigh u down! I LOVE it!

Esther Howard

This app is very motivational it gives you self confidence it bring the best out in people you could read a quote and it change your mood the rest of the day it gives you something to k think about when you read a quote sometimes | haven't came across no foul language and that's good for a lot of the younger kinds of people that are very Christian or anyone really you can just read a quote with out saying oh well why is that in there these quotes are one of the best things ever because sometimes they inspire some of my friends to get out of bed in the morning but anyway you should just download this app because it's is very inspiring and motivating and honest and some of the quotes really make you think for a while.

Jane Cooper

First off, I don't write reviews and I don't particularly read them either, but I really want this company to know how much they've aided me, in the only 3 DAYS I've had it. I got the trial of the premium version and I'm about to upgrade to the yearly subscription, (It's only a dollar a month!!) Now, I'm not one for quotes usually, at least not the kind that are supposed to make you happier, because they tend to just be a ton of toxic positivity. But so far, every quote I've gotten has fit perfectly with what I'm feeling. It's honestly kind of crazy how conveniently they appear. One thing I'd like to see is an option to save a mix. As in, want to be able to have a "Sad Mix" Where it has all my ones for happiness and stuff and then like a "motivation" one that I can switch between. Beautiful app! Keep up the good work! Great app... love, love, love it!!!